Positions Vacant

If you have a position to advertise to members, please send details to the TAPNA Secretariat:  secretariat@tapna.org.au

2025 Postgraduate fellow in clinical toxicology, Sydney.

Applications close 17 July 2024

The Post Graduate Fellow in Clinical Toxicology is based at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and provides district-wide services. This position is a temporary full time or part time position, from 3 February 2025 to 1 February 2026.


If you would like further information, please contact:  Darren Roberts, darren.roberts1@health.nsw.gov.au

2025 Registrar (advanced trainee) in clinical toxicology / public health

NSW Poisons Information Centre and Ministry of Health.

Applications close 6th August 2024.

The Clinical Toxicology / Public Health Advanced Trainee works as a part of the public health and toxicovigilance team at the NSW Poisons Information Centre (PIC), a statewide service hosted by the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN), and NSW Ministry of Health.

This position is approved for advanced training with The Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine (AFPHM) and provisionally approved with Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

For more information, please see advertisement:  https://jobs.health.nsw.gov.au/JMO-ex/jobs/advanced-trainee-258750

If you would like further information, please contact:  Darren Roberts, darren.roberts1@health.nsw.gov.au